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Friday, August 12, 2011

This is the Day. Mark and Jamie's Wedding! | Maris Ehlers Photography

Today is a very special day.  Our cousin Mark marries his best friend and love, Jamie.

I think I speak for everyone in the family when I say "It's about time!"  :)

One of the very first times I met Mark was in July of 1990, at the wedding of my husband's cousin Paula and her groom, Paul.  Ironically enough, the wedding today will be in the very same church as theirs was.

I remember very clearly sitting in my future in-laws car after the wedding waiting for the "adults" to be done visiting before heading to the reception.  It was hot and stuffy out, but a bunch of cousins crammed into the car just to hang out until it was time to leave.  No DVD players, game boys or ipods.  Just goofy cousins happy to be with one another and being as crazy as can be while stuffed in a brown Chevy 4 door something or other on a hot summer day.

For whatever reason, I can still remember "Marky" as he was called then, almost exactly as he was that day.  A toe head, with his hair sticking slightly up, bouncing around the front seat of the car in a yellow plaid shirt and tan pants, chewing blue bubble gum.  All we'd have to do for a laugh was say "Hey, Marky!  Who's your favorite Minnesota Twin?"  And he'd yell at the top of his lungs "KIRRRRBBBBBYYYYYY PUUUUUCCCCKKKKEEETTTTT!" in his best Herb Carneal impression, nearly losing his gum between the gaps in his teeth during the process.

It is incredibly fitting that Jamie is such a Twins fan herself.

My, how time flies.  My kids were asking me if their dad is older than cousin Mark yesterday.  I laughed, and told the H Man that Mark was almost the same age when I met him as H is today.  That made me realize just how fast time really does pass.

It has been a true pleasure to watch Mark (and his siblings) grow into the spectacular people that they are, and yes I'm even getting a little misty eyed just thinking about how today is such a joyful occasion for not just Mark and Jamie, but for everyone who loves them.  And I would be lying if I didn't admit that we're all happy to have a reason to be together and celebrate, too.  Add in the fact that we are capturing their day on film, and it's a great day, indeed!

Hopefully a few sneak peeks will find their way online tonight (depending on how much dancing is actually done!). Tomorrow for SURE!

This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 /ESV

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