Kaelie is an "almost" sweet sixteen who has a passion (okay, maybe an obsession) with Audrey Hepburn - so that's what her session was all about! We picked some fav Audrey images and gave them our own creative twist. Her mom didn't even recognize her when she saw the first one!

Kaelie is all about drama and theatre, and I was so impressed with her desire to BE Audrey Hepburn, not just try to create a look. It was amazing to watch her transformation and because I know she loves to perform and act, it was obvious that this experience went deeper than just some "pictures".

We've been planning this session for a couple of months, and Kaelie looked everywhere for her props. When we were talking about wardrobe and 50's style dresses, I suddenly had an idea.

The red velvet dress Kaelie is wearing actually belonged to my grandmother, Lucy! I wore it in high school, my brother's daughter Casandra wore it once as well as a teen, but it's been sitting in my closet for over 20 years! I was delighted to find someone who would love to wear it as much as I did, so I loaned her Lucy's dress for the shoot today and she wore it fabulously well!

So while the highlight was to be the announcement of the Sweet Sixteen Sessions by Maris Ehlers, Kaelie and Audrey stole the show.
A shout to Alyssa for helping with styling and 2nd shooting. Can't wait to see some of YOUR shots!

Sweet Sixteen sessions are approximately a two and a half hour session. Sessions are $200. Hair and makeup are extra (depending on stylist). Let's talk about who she is and what she loves - and together, let's create something wonderful.
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