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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

MEP Intern Photo of the Week - Final Week (#10) | Maris Ehlers Photography

Thanks for joining me for my last "Photo of the Week" entry!

I had two of my very good friends become engaged this spring; when they asked me to do their engagement pictures, I eagerly accepted.

This was a shoot I had been gearing up for all summer, so I found it appropriate that an image from their session be the closing image for my "Photo of the Week" segment.

I could say a million things about these two, and all of them would be positive. However, because you do not know them, anything I would say wouldn't mean anything to you, so, instead:

I am thankful for beautiful friends, like those pictured above.
I am thankful, and grateful, for wonderful teachers (cough*MARIS*cough) who dedicate their time and energy to instill knowledge and fire into young minds.
I am thankful for those such as yourselves, for supporting people such as myself. You are a tool to my learning more than you think you are.

Have a wonderful week, and I'll be seeing you around!

1 comment:

Maris said...

Courtney, WOW. How far you've come in such a few short months!

I love this picture! The posing is great, the lighting is great, and it conveys a lot of emotion!

We'll play around with it in the editing room to see if we can't make some subtle changes that make it even better!

Nice work, and what a pleasure you have been to have around. Thanks for putting up with my randomness, craziness and overall hectic life. You are the best!

P.S. There is a treat on it's way to my house for you as a thank you to YOU for a wonderful summer!