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Monday, October 15, 2012

Minneapolis Gymnastics Photography - Part III | Maris Ehlers Photography

If you're reading this post, then you've probably already seen Parts I and II and are back for more.  And we're glad you're here. If you haven't looked at those, please do so because then this will make a lot more sense.  

As a parent of a seven and nine year old, we've been involved in various activities for a few years, but a lot of it has been for fun and exposure, not for hard core training. I know there are some hockey families out there that started the hard core part pretty early, but as we don't do hockey at our house we haven't experienced that yet.  But because I photograph so many high school seniors, I like to daydream about what my kids' lives will be like when they are approaching their final year in high school, and maybe even their final year at home. 

I know that whoever they will have become, whatever they are in to, I will want to capture that with photographs. I hope they have a passion as strong and alive as these two girls, that they are as committed to a passion and skill as much as the MGSH hockey players were that I photographed last year, and I hope they are as talented as the MGSH Dance Team Captains are that I photographed this summer. 

And so what I see now, with these amazing experiences behind me, is that while it didn't start out that way, is an emerging niche in the senior market for us. To celebrate and acknowledge the passions of high school seniors (and often their parents) that go beyond the traditional senior portrait - those are important, too - but something special that celebrates the weekends spent on the road at soccer tournaments, freezing in hockey rinks, bandaging up beat up feet, buying yet another sparkly costume, or endless hours watching your kid earn a black belt through the glass.  Whatever their passion is, whatever makes them glow, whatever their spark is, their senior year (or even earlier) is such a great time to capture that in print.  In a way that is completely, 100%, and totally unique to them.  

So here in Part III is another glimpse at Renee, in a completely crazy and fun set of images. As the first post went out yesterday, Renee's mom Mary sent me a beautiful and kind note.  In it she said " I feel I can see Renee's soul and see just how fierce and determined she is. " If I had to guess, I'd say that her teammates and close friends see her this way at times, but probably not everyone.  So here's to Renee,  and here's to souls that shine. 

Assisted by:  Angel Petit
Hair and Makeup by:  MJ Evans

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